❗HELP❗ – “I’m Trapped”

Have you ever felt so trapped that you just can’t find a way out?🙃 It’s driving your crazy, your anxiety is through the roof, you have zero ambition left and it’s quickly breaking you down.🤯 Often, feeling stuck becomes engrossed into your mindset, you believe that there’s no way out.🚫 As Tony Robbins quotes “Life […]

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7 Habits to give up

1.Give up toxic people It is so difficult to succeed when there negative people around you. 2.Give up the need to be liked No matter what you do, there will always be people who won’t approve. 3.Give up the need to control everything Understand that some things are up to us, while most things are […]

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Things I’m Working On

With Life changing so much for everyone, it can be difficult to get into a routine. Things may not seem normal, so it’s important to adapt. I have prepared a self-care wheel with things that I’m working on. If you want me to to send you one, send me a message with your email address […]

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Bionic is a Process – My Story

https://podcasts.apple.com/qa/podcast/bionic-is-process-shona-hirons-talks-about-her-battles/id1496480241?i=1000465375289 I didn’t just decide to become a Life and Mindset Coach, I have my own story. I believe the journey I’ve been through over the past decade got me to this point. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I love using my life experience and practices I’ve learned through […]

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Big Goals require Big support

Why are Goals important? Realising the importance of big goals became my passion when I recovered from corporate burnout in 2013. At that time in my life I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t looking after myself and I had no self-worth. I started off with setting small, specific and achievable goals and as I started to […]

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G – Great goals are outcome focused: Once you understand your WHY (and it’s an enthusiastic WHY) you’re almost there. Great goals should be in line with your values: The more a goal aligns with your inner or core values – the EASIER it will be to achieve. Get started. Think about what it is […]

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Why We Should Exercise?

It’s the start of a new year and most of us make new year’s resolutions to get fit, but how many of us will stick to them? If you’re new to exercise, then the key is to start small. Just 5 minutes of exercise or less per day has the advantage of bypassing your brains […]

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Are you a creature of Habit?

As we enter a new decade, do you want to stay as you are, or make some changes? Imagine this – you’re at a funeral and you’re standing over a coffin and you see yourself. What do you have to say about yourself? Have you done the things with your life that you want to […]

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How will you reflect as we move into a new decade?

How has the last 10 years been for you? When you look back on the last 10 years, are you happy with what you have achieved? Are you content, or as you reflect, do you want more out of life? As we move into a new decade are you thinking of making changes, whether it’s […]

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Hi Shona,
I just wanted to send you a big thank you as I used some of your nutrition tips from your page from the magazine it’s worked wonders really has helped lots so thank you for that your nutrition advice has helped me tone up and lose weight too😊

Nigel Parker

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