100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 9

Think of One Thing You’d Like to Change in Your Life You can’t change what’s going on around you until you start changing what’s going on within you.

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100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 8

What Do You Need To Believe To Achieve What You Want? If you can believe it, you CAN achieve it. I can help you create your vision of where you see yourself and help you get there.

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100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 7

How Do You Feel About Today? It’s that time of day when that dreaded Sunday feeling comes back to bite us and we’re worried about Monday again! Sounds familiar? You’ve been here before – struggling to fall asleep, because of the thought of the tasks ahead of you tomorrow. Your appetite is affected – either […]

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100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 6

What Do You Do To Recharge? The weekend is a perfect time to pause and do things for you. Think about what makes you happy, energised and also relaxed. Here are some tips: Exercise Exercise releases endorphins (the happy hormone). It will help improve cognitive function and mental health. Sleep Stress has an impact on […]

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100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 5

Which One Word Describes Your Day Today? ENERGIZED

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100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 4

What Can You Do To Make You A Better Person? For me, I have learned to put myself first sometimes – even if that’s just for 5 minutes a day. SELF-CARE IS NOT SELFISH! If you’re always running around like a headless chicken, you’re more likely to be stressed, miserable, tired and become snappy. If […]

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100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 3

Who is your Best Friend? I want you to really think about this one! When I ask this question, most people come up with a childhood friend who they see still see a couple of times a year, their partner, or their mum. However, who is the person who’s there 24 hours a day, 365 […]

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100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 2

Who Do You Admire The Most? Spend a few minutes brainstorming who you really admire. It doesn’t matter whether they’re alive or dead. Make some notes in your diary or journal why you admire that person or people. If they have some inspirational quotes, make a note of them and return to them. from time […]

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100 Days of Mindfulness

How to live in the moment and be truly aware Live Simply Love generously Learn Constantly Today make a list of your top 5 favourite books and start reading the first one tonight. Aim for at least one chapter per night. Notice if you sleep better? How does the story make you feel?

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Shona, meeting you outside your house 7 years ago was the first day of the rest of my life. I was broken, lost and about to end it all.

You didn’t know me, but you brought me in to your house sat me down, made me a cup of tea and just talked to me. I left realising I wasn’t alone. I’m so glad I found you.

Emma P

You Saved Me

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