100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 6

What Do You Do To Recharge?

The weekend is a perfect time to pause and do things for you.

Think about what makes you happy, energised and also relaxed.

Here are some tips:


Exercise releases endorphins (the happy hormone). It will help improve cognitive function and mental health.


Stress has an impact on the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try yoga and meditation, in addition to exercise. These can all improve your ability to fall and stay asleep.


What you eat can have a huge impact on stress. Eating a well balanced diet can improve your stress levels dramatically.


Stress is a serious issue that is known as a major risk factor for serious illnesses and mental disorders. It is therefore important to learn relaxation techniques. Following my 100 Days of Mindfulness will be a start, but try some breathing techniques. Here’s a selection from my Podcasts. https://open.spotify.com/show/4CswNqZ0wvpWDnsJ2XLplO


After a busy week you have earned time to do something that you enjoy. Whether it is sailing, crochet, or something else, weekends are a perfect time to get yourself out and participate in some activity that you once enjoyed. If you are struggling to enjoy this, it is a sign that you may be heading towards burn out.

If you think you’ve reached burnout and not sure how to self-care, as an Award Winning Coach I have a proven track record of getting you back on track. Don’t waste more time being unhappy and unwell. Drop me a message for a free confidential call.

Recharge Your Batteries