100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 3

Who is your Best Friend?

I want you to really think about this one!

When I ask this question, most people come up with a childhood friend who they see still see a couple of times a year, their partner, or their mum.

However, who is the person who’s there 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year?

That’s right – it’s YOU.

You have to learn to love yourself, to be happy with yourself, to be self-critical, learn from your wrongs and your rights to be the person you want to be. Don’t regret your past – learn from it!

I learnt to become my own best friend a couple of years ago and believe me i’m a far better person as a result. I no longer worry about being on my own, being lonely, not being good enough. I am worthy, I am good enough and I deserve to be happy.

Take some time today to self reflect and why you should be your best friend.

If you’re feeling lost, or worried about being alone as an Award Winning Coach I can help free you of this, so message me for a free confidential chat.