Thought for the dayMindfulness Monday
How do you find your inner peace?
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 38
What Can You Do That Will Make You A Better Person? There are many ways, but for me it has been to accept change and adapt to it. Life hits us with unexpected twists and turns and the fear of the unknown can be very scary. Sometimes it can take something major in our life […]
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 36
What Do You Need To Believe To Achieve What You Want? I needed to have self-belief for me to achieve what I wanted. As soon as I started to believe in myself my vision and dreams started to become reality. Most of us have negative beliefs and they stop us from becoming our very best. […]
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 35
Stop for 5 Minutes and Listen to All The Things You Can Hear Right Now? This helps if you close your eyes. Even the quietest of rooms has sound if you listen carefully. If you’re in a built up area, can you hear laughter, far away sounds? If you’re on a walk in the countryside, […]
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 33
What Are Your 3 Happiest Memories? My first one was the birth of my daughter Martha. In my 20s I was told I wouldn’t be able to have children, but thankfully following some surgery in my early 30s I now have my little miracle. My second one was my wedding day. A bit of a […]
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 32
What Are Your Values? Your Values represent what’s important to you in life. Knowing your Values helps you understand what drives you, what inspires you and what you’d like more of. By building a life and lifestyle around our Values we create a life that is satisfying and meaningful to us.
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 31
What Do You Need To Start Saying ‘No’ To? I need to start saying that I can’t do things for free anymore. I’m busy all the time with my business, but people still expect me to help them for free. I don’t like letting people down, but I’m rubbish at saying ‘no’. This is something […]
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 30
How Can You Be More Positive? We can all have bad days, but you don’t have to let those days get you down. I always start my day with writing down 3 positive thoughts in my journal. If that negative thought enters my head I return to the positive thoughts and remind myself why life […]
100 Days of Mindfulness – Day 29
Who Do You Need To Forgive? Before I trained as a Coach and studied NLP I was struggling to forgive 3 people from my past that had hurt me deeply. However, I realised that by staying bitter was making me feel trapped. Why should I feel like this? Making peace with the pain is so […]
Hi Shona,
I just wanted to send you a big thank you as I used some of your nutrition tips from your page from the magazine it’s worked wonders really has helped lots so thank you for that your nutrition advice has helped me tone up and lose weight too😊