Men are reaching burn-out. Is self-care the answer?

Why is this?

Many professional men if posed with the question, ‘do you self-care?’ would probably stare at you blankly.

However, it’s a fact that men are three times more likely to take their lives than women in the UK, which makes suicide the single biggest cause of death in men under the age of 50 – more than heart disease, cancer and road traffic accidents.

One of the reasons why the figures are so high is because men aren’t as good as talking about their wellbeing as women.

It’s good to talk

Food for thought

How many men reading this, are in middle-management roles, have a wife and two kids at home to support? Your wife is looking forward to her next big holiday, the kids have ballet lessons to attend, football training, which all costs money, the mortgage payments are high. At work you’ve got demanding targets to meet, but you’re exhausted, have low energy, low mood and your performance is dipping.

On the outside everyone thinks you have the good life, perfect job, perfect family life, but behind closed doors you’re not sleeping, you’re tired, you can’t remember the last time you did something you enjoyed, you’re becoming snappy, you’re drinking more…

Does this sound familiar?

There is nothing shameful in admitting that things have got on top of you. You might find that by talking about it with a friend that you’re not alone.

If you feel like this start by being kind to yourself. Stick to a daily routine, such as walking the dog, eating well, practice some mindfulness, something you will enjoy – all of which you can build into your working day. If you put yourself first you’ll be happier, have more energy, your mood will improve and you’ll have more time for others.

10 Tips for Male Self-Care

  • Get active – sweat it out. Exercise releases endorphins – the happy hormone
  • Eat 3 meals per day – avoiding processed foods where possible
  • Spoil your skin – men’s skin is just as important as a woman’s, so pamper yourself
  • Get a massage – This doesn’t just relieve sports injuries, but everyday tension too
  • Do some meditation – mindfulness teaches you to let go and be fully present in the moment. Listen to my mindfulness podcasts on Spotify under Mindset in Motion
  • Write a to-do list so you don’t have too many thoughts going around you head. Separate them into musts and should’s. This should improve your sleep
  • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and get into a good routine
Mindfulness teaches you to let go

How can I help you?

If this is you, then I can help you to take stock, regain control of your life by developing a positive mindset, which will enable you to rebuild the life that you want. I will remind you that you can change, and I will motivate you by following my proven coaching methods.

If you’d like to know more, contact me to arrange a free 20 minute chat on 07525947361.

Useful Websites

Mind – – leading mental health charity in England and Wales. It provides information and support on how to improve mental health.

Mindset in Motion – – provides coaching to eliminate negative attitudes and develop a positive mindset, enabling individuals to rebuild the life that they want.

NHS choices – – offers information and practical advice for anyone experiencing mental ill health.

Remploy – – offers free and confidential Workplace Mental Health Support Service for anyone absent from work finding work because of a mental health condition. It aims to help people remain in, or return to their role.

Rethink Mental Illness – – a voluntary sector provider of mental health services offering support groups, advice and information on mental health problems.

Samaritans – – a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the UK and Ireland.