What is this song about?
This song epitomises how strong women can be. If you want to change your life you can. If you persevere and have self-empowerment you can achieve anything.
This can happen in all aspects of life and applies equally to men. If you want to change, providing the goal you’re aiming for is realistic, start planning
- Set a SPECIFIC goal. This means your goal cannot be too vague. For example, you may want a new job that earns you enough money to be able to save £250 each month.
- The goal needs to be MEASURABLE. If you want to save a certain amount of money, you could break this into a number of smaller weekly goals. However, if your specific goal is to lose a certain amount of weight, the measurable goal will be easier to set.
- The goal needs to be ATTAINABLE. For example, if you want to get a job as a Doctor, but you don’t have the requisite qualifications, you will be aware that this goal will take a long time. However, if you want to stay in a similar profession to your current one, but are seeking a promotion, you could set yourself tasks to apply for so many jobs per week.
- The goal needs to be RELEVANT. This will be very personal to you. For example a desire to save money will come down to whether you can get a new job and/or whether you need to make any sacrifices to save.
- The goal needs to be TIMELY. All goals need to have a time dimension to them. You can’t leave a goal with an open deadline to them, as they will get pushed back time and time again. Also, don’t make the deadline too long to complete.