Change Your Life – Little Mix

What is this song about? This song epitomises how strong women can be. If you want to change your life you can. If you persevere and have self-empowerment you can achieve anything.  This can happen in all aspects of life and applies equally to men. If you want to change, providing the goal you’re aiming […]

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Beautiful Day – U2

What is this song about? This song is about ‘a man who has lost everything, but finds joy in what he still has’. It focuses on the positives in life instead of the negatives. I think this song is a true example that when things hit rock bottom, if you can still find a way […]

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Under Pressure – Queen & David Bowie

What is Under Pressure about? This song is a powerful example of how pressure can take over in all aspects of life. So if you’re under pressure from anything, have a listen!! Whether you interpret the lyrics as Freddie Mercury just discovering that he had aids and was going to die, hence the part of […]

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Rise Up – Andra Day

What is this song about? This is an inspirational song that helps people feel better. The lyrics remind people that in spite of the difficulties and miseries, they should not lose hope. The song can also help people to overcome anxieties.Listen to the lyrics, sing it, or just close your eyes and get lost in […]

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Titanium ft.Sia

For this week’s Tune of The Week Tuesday, I have chosen David Guetta’s Titanium. Watch the video and listen to the words ‘You shoot me down, but I won’t fall, I am titanium.’My interpretation of this track is a child who is having a tough time, possibly being bullied at school, growing up and still […]

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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger – Kelly Clarkson

When you listen to this track you feel like you can do anything. It’s a good one to listen to if you’re having a bad day!

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Mindfulness tips for eating smart and losing weight

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Quite recently I attended a meeting at which Shona took the speaking slot. I was impressed by the way she engaged the audience immediately and was willing to show some vulnerability which achieved empathy from the audience. Shona talked about her career and the learnings that had brought her to this event.
She has a great message for the attendees in terms of how you can use your thoughts to bring about the best outcomes for yourself.
There were plenty of questions asked after Shona spoke which in my book is a great sign of an audience really thinking about the message.
I would not hesitate to recommend Shona’s speaking ability especially her engagement skills and besides all that she really is a very nice person.

Adrian Chase – Never Mind The Business, With Me It’s Personal

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