Mindfulness and Chronic Pain

I started to practice mindfulness when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2013 following extreme stress at work. It took 3 years for me to get diagnosed by a Rheumatologist and for a long time I was made to feel like I was making my symptoms up, but I knew and those close to me knew that my symptoms were very real, because the pain and fatigue was unbearable. I wouldn’t be able to use my hands, my feet would feel like I was walking over hot coals, my neck and shoulders would seize, and if anyone went near my hip area, they were likely to get a black eye. It was also the feeling of fatigue afterwards that was awful. It would sometimes take me 10 minutes just to climb the stairs, and this is from someone that is usually very fit and can teach several spin classes in one day.

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A Quick Way to Practice Mindfulness – The 3 Minute Step

What is Mindfulness? Very briefly mindfulness teaches you to live in the present moment and put the past in the past. However, it does take practice. Last week I included my 3 step mindfulness guide within my blog on Blue Monday, but I thought it would be a good idea to separate this and include […]

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How to avoid Blue Monday with my mindfulness tips

Mindfulness can help you avoid Blue Monday There are number of reasons why it has been decided that 21 January 2019 should be named ‘Blue Monday’. You may be dreading the arrival of that credit card statement any day You may have already broken your New Year’s Resolution You may be participating in dry January […]

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The Three States of Mind

Let’s Explore These and see see which one we fall into to! The Wise Mind Model The human mind can be our greatest ally or our most troublesome enemy if we don’t fully understand it, or how to manage it. Recognising how our mind works can be the first step we take towards mastering it. […]

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Our Capacity to Experience the World Emotionally

How do you experience the world emotionally? In order to do this we need to explore the concept of emotional maturity. Many people respond to the events and circumstances of life with negative emotions. However, we always have the choice to respond in a more positive way. Emotional maturity could be defined as the ability […]

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Our Capacities of Personhood

A Person’s Capacity for Deep Longing (Our Core Values) This is our ability to experience life through deep longing. These are the reasons why we do things in life, what drives us, our longing to connect with other people etc. These can be described as our ‘core values’. Our core values play an enormously important […]

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Our Capacity to Think and Reason

What does this mean? The analytical mind is the thinking part of our brains which deals with complex decision-making, critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-motivating.  This part of our mind enables us to take a step back and consider, ‘What should I think here?’ or ‘What’s the best thing to do here?’ This is a crucial […]

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How present is your past?

“The past is a ghost, the future a dream and all we ever have is now”. – Bill Cosby Have you ever heard it said: forget the past, don’t worry about the future, just live in the present? There is a certain element of truth in this statement. Many of us live life defined by […]

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Mindfulness Quotes For Reflecting Upon

Many people who live in a constant state of mindfulness will often find themselves lost and without purpose or direction in life. This is a scary thought, but unfortunately, is a reality for many.  When we are not mindfully aware of where we are (or where we are going in life), we can end up […]

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“I have been fortunate to hear Shona’s ‘Broken to Bionic’ talk and found it not only inspiring but very relevant.  Listening to ‘real life’ struggles turn to great success’s is very powerful and moving.  Shona puts this over in such a way that is engaging, interesting and useful.

The beauty of how Shona lays out her story, she wraps it with easy to understand and useful take away tools.  Not just a talk but useable tips on burnout, stress anxiety, self-management and more.

In today’s fast paced and high pressured environment, Shona’s message and content is not only useful, it is vital.

Fantastic speaker, author and coach.  Very highly recommended.”

Stuart Hill

Commercial Director – Alpha Drive

Fantastic speaker, author and coach

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