Thought for the dayGuest Blogs
Battling mental health with a Sporting Career
Last week’s article was received so well, Shona has very kindly agreed to write another guest post for us. This week she’s speaking openly & honestly about her journey battling mental health with her own sporting career. What is Mental Health? ‘Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or […]
Dealing with anxiety in athletes – tips from an anxiety sufferer
Anxiety is something that many of us live with through our lives. Thanks to increased research over the years, more and more is being understood about anxiety (and other forms of mental health). More people are becoming comfortable with talking about their struggles with anxiety, with many wanting to share their stories to help others. Shona Hirons […]
Thank you for your perspective on life, your skills as a life coach and just being you! Your life coaching has been a great help and the sessions have definitely helped me rebuild a part of my own foundations to help my focus and progress.
Sometimes in life things happen unexpectedly that challenge you and give a new perspective. My own challenge, surviving and recuperating from a terrible bicycle injury, was quite hard in its first year. But, into its second year I felt ready for another stage of rebuilding and giving some new perspectives a go. With the focus and structure of Mindset in Motion sessions to help give credence to some of my ideas and learn some new approaches to typical methods of working, all really helped add to my sense of positively rebuilding my foundations.
The phrase ‘terrible bicycle injury’ is my playful attempt at alluding to the traumatic brain injury I sustained, without directly saying that phrase. Obviously people that read it might infer that, but this written approach allows me some distance from the event. Just wanted to explain my (random) logic!