Mindfulness in the Workplace

Why is this important?

A recent survey carried out by Mind UK on 9,501 UK employees from many different types of employment, asked the question ‘Are you suffering from mental health with your current employer?’ A staggering 70% answered yes. That’s 6,651 employees in the UK coping wit mental health at work!

How do Mindfulness workshops help?

We live in a frantic world and at work employees are hit with targets, inundated by projects to complete, core values to live up to, tight deadlines, pressure to do better. Too many employees these days feel demotivated, feel unrewarded.

Mindfulness is the ability to be able to let go, being fully aware in the moment and stay focused, so when things are stressful you can reprogramme the mind to turn off the stress.

Mindset in Motion provides 8 week mindfulness workshops during the lunch hour , so no time is taken out of the working day, and we introduce habit releasers to help make the working day more efficient and easy to manage.

We also apply a series of mindfulness meditation, which only takes around 10 minutes.

Mindfulness in the workplace is becoming very popular with businesses and a way to help reduce stress and it does improve productivity.

Try Mindfulness at Work